Sunday 15 May 2011

Cracks in Corner of Mouth

It is often said that cracks in corner of mouth is a minor issue but the pain associated with it is many a times unbearable. Cracked corners of mouth are unsightly and the discomfort amplifies substantially, while talking and eating food. It is observed that people staying in cold weather conditions are prone to this lip problem that gives an unpleasant look to the mouth.

Cracks in Corner of Mouth Causes

What causes cracks in corner of mouth? Reasons are plenty that could trigger sudden onset of this mouth problem. Some of them are discussed below:

Angular Cheilitis
Cracks and sores in corner of mouth indicate the presence of angular cheilitis, a condition that typically affects the nooks of the mouth. In this condition, opening the mouth for having meals can be a painful task. This lip problem is typically marked by inflammatory sores or ulcers at the corners of the mouth. These lesions on the mouth may bleed profusely, when the mouth is wide open. The occurrence of angular cheilitis has been linked to poor diet. A person deprived of essential nutrients is likely to suffer from cracks in corners of mouth. Vitamin deficiency, especially B2 is responsible for this problem. Apart from vitamin deficiency, inadequate intake of dietary nutrients like zinc and iron can give rise to this lip problem. However angular cheilitis can also occur due to bacterial or a fungal (candidal) infection.

Dehydration is one of the most common causes of cracked corners of mouth. Inadequate water can increase the risk of mouth problems like cracked lip corners.

Prolonged Exposure to Harsh Weather Conditions
Facing the hot sun or cold environment for considerable amount of time cannot be tolerated by the delicate skin on the lips. Besides dry cracked lips, the person is likely to have cracks in corner of mouth.

Exposure to Irritants
A number of cosmetic and oral hygiene products like toothpaste, lipstick and mouthwashes that are used everyday contain harsh chemicals. Exposure to these irritants on a daily basis may lead to cracks in the corner of mouth.

Allergic Reactions
An allergic response to certain medicines can also manifest in the form of cracks in corner of mouth. In fact, it is a side effect associated with a number of prescription and non prescription medicines.

Celiac Disease
Cracks in corners of mouth has also been associated with celiac disease. In this condition, the body loses its ability to absorb sufficient amount of nutrients from ingested food. As the person is unable to get a daily dose of essential nutrients due to malabsorption, he suffers from vitamin deficiency, which may manifest in the form of cracks in corners of mouth.

How to treat cracks in corner of mouth? Well, it depends on the underlying cause, however, the use of facial skin care products like aloe vera gel and vaseline petroleum jelly may relieve the discomfort. Following a well balanced diet that involves eating plenty of green leafy vegetables may help to overcome nutritional deficiency, thereby, helping to resolve the issue. Angular cheilitis resulting from invasion of bacteria are treated with topical antiseptic creams. On the other hand, antifungal creams is the first line of treatment for angular cheilitis occurring from candida albicans.

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